shiatsu | acupuncture | herbal medicine | nutrition

  • acupuncture coburg preston fertility pain digestion


    The oldest form of established medicine, practised over thousands of years. Very fine needles are inserted into specific points along the body to stimulate blood flow and neural communication. This aims to help clear areas of stagnation/pain, and strengthen and regulate the body’s systems, including the respiratory, metabolic, hormonal and immune systems.

  • chinese herbs coburg preston reservoir acupuncture fertility menstrual health digestion

    Chinese Herbal Medicine

    Sophisticated and personalised formulas of natural herbal medicine to get to the root of disease or discomfort. Natural and safe. You can rest assured that no endangered species or toxic substances are ever used.

  • massage shiatsu health acupuncture north coburg preston fertility stress anxiety digestion


    Dynamic and relaxing Japanese bodywork/massage received fully clothed on a futon, following the same theory as acupuncture but non-invasive. Deeply restorative and nourishing.

  • kids babies digestion sleep health acupuncture shonishin gentle experienced north coburg preston

    Paediatric Shonishin (no-needle acupuncture)

    Gentle non-insertive treatment for babies & children or sensitive adults.

  • acupuncture manaka north coburg reservoir gentle preston digestion stress anxiety fertility help

    Manaka Therapies

    Manaka therapies are a gentle and effective alternative to acupuncture. Using gentle modalities combined with bodywork, maximum effect is achieved through minimum intervention.

    Ideal for sensitive patients or while working through times of increased anxiety, stress or insomnia. Deeply relaxing and grounding.

  • digestive health north coburg preston acupuncture experienced Chinese herbal medicine

    Dietary Therapy

    Food is the greatest medicine and digestion is at the centre of health. We combine ancient knowledge with modern research.

    We order functional testing such as allergy testing, interpret blood test results, offer superior practitioner grade supplements and tailor dietary advice to work towards clear, calm, optimal digestive systems.

  • cupping pain north coburg preston fertility digestion lower back pain acupuncture


    Suction cups are used to release tight muscles or areas of tension. Cups work by pulling up stagnant fluids, allowing fresh blood and fluids to nourish and hydrate the area, aiming to release pain, tension or dysfunction and increase mobility.

  • moxa acupuncture pain fertility Nicky Brooks north coburg preston digestive health


    Moxibustion is a warming therapy, using the herb - Mugwort (or Ai Ye) - in different forms to warm and strengthen the body.

    Indirect moxa = moxa sticks are held above acupuncture points to stimulate the point. Direct moxa = moxa cones are aplied directly to the body. Kyotoshin/warming needle = moxa is applied on the top of the acupuncture needle to treat larger and deeper areas of the body.


  • Yes, acupuncture is safe and has very little, to no side effects. Acupuncture is safe at every stage of life when practised correctly.

    Acupuncturists in Australia are trained extensively, regulated by Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (Ahpra) and work to the highest standards of hygiene and patient care.

  • We use very fine (around the width of a strand of hair) sterilised acupuncture needles that are inserted shallow or deeper depending on your condition. Most people find it painless and comfortable, or feel mild sensations such as dragging or a dull ache around the needles. People usually report feeling very relaxed, and often fall asleep after the needles are put in when they are left to rest.

    Consent is continually gained and never assumed. We work carefully, continually communicating with you to make sure you are comfortable.

    For more sensitive patients or times, we have many gentler alternatives that are equally as effective.

  • No, the choice is always up to you. Each appointment will contain acupuncture or body work, and herbs will be recommended where appropriate.

  • This will depend on what is being treated and how long you have had the condition for. A minimum of 3-4 treatments is usually required in most cases, to see if acupuncture is right for your condition, and then re-assess.

    For more chronic conditions we may need to set up a treatment plan over a few months to improve your condition.

    If desired, your practitioner can give you lifestyle and dietary advice and teach you home treatments to support and enhance your treatment outcomes.

  • You can bring any relevant blood tests or imaging. Although we can write referrals for these if you don’t have any yet.

    Bring your health insurance card if you have private health insurance, as we have Hicaps to claim on the day.

    We recommend eating within 2 - 3 hours of your appointment, and to be well hydrated. If receiving shiatsu please wear loose comfortable clothing.