Areas of clinical focus

  • Women's Health

    For hundreds of generations Chinese Medicine has been used to help women in all stages of their hormonal journey.

    We use comprehensive approaches to manage conditions such as PCOS, endometriosis, menstrual irregularities, menstrual pain, PMS, menopause and more.

    We are passionate about helping women move through life with ease at all times of the month, and at every season of life.

  • fertility IVF acupuncture support experienced north coburg preston pregnancy


    Whether it be aiding natural fertility, or boosting the efficacy of IVF, many studies have shown the benefits of acupuncture in fertility (1).

    We create a supportive and compassionate space and take time to listen, review scans, blood tests and reports. This coupled with Chinese Medicines unique diagnostic skills, equips us to best understand the causes of infertility.

    We gently guide women and couples through the process of natural or assisted fertility, through personalised treatments and attention to detail.

  • Digestion

    Smooth and efficient digestion is at the centre of health. Through effective digestive processes and gut health, our bodies create all the components of our immune, hormonal, cardiovascular and neurological systems.

    Digestive issues can take away our enjoyment in eating, but also the opportunity for optimal health. We have a special interest in treating digestive disorders such as IBS, constipation, bloating, reflux, colitis and more, with acupuncture paired with high grade practitioner only supplements, and dietary advice.

    We design treatment plans to help create and sustain calm bellies and healthy vital bodies.

  • Acute/Chronic Pain

    Both acute and chronic pain can lead to varying degrees of impaired quality of life, where work and lifestyle can be restricted.

    Acupuncture, herbal medicine and shiatsu are all utilised to aid in pain management and recovery, helping people get back to doing what they love (2).

  • Autoimmune/Chronic Illness

    Autoimmunity and chronic illness can often be complex and resistant to various treatments, leaving patients frustrated and overwhelmed.

    Chinese Medicine has a sophisticated diagnostic system that enables the practitioner to read what is happening at different layers of the body. It then matches the treatment to correct imbalances. This elegant and intelligent medical system coupled with personalised dietary advice and nervous system regulation (3), creates a comprehensive root-cause approach. We help manage symptoms and sustain greater health and quality of life.

  • Stress and Anxiety

    Stress and anxiety are normal responses to daily life, but sometimes it can get overwhelming, impacting us and our loved ones. Chronic stress can hijack our sleep, hormones, digestion, relationships and more.

    Acupuncture is a wonderfully effective tool to help balance our nervous systems and re-wire the stress response (3).

  • Pregnancy and Birth

    Acupuncture has been used safely for thousands of years to help women during pregnancy, birth and postpartum. It can be utilised for common conditions such as morning sickness (4), back pain (5), breech baby positioning (6), stress and anxiety (7) and more.

  • Babies, children & teens

    Gentle acupuncture, shoninshin (no-needle acupuncture) and Shiatsu are great tools in the support of these precious age groups. Calming and grounding treatments like these can be utilised for managing symptoms of digestive issues, ADHD, autism, stress/anxiety, sleeping issues and menstrual health.

    Kids usually find treatments engaging, fun and relaxing. Teens report enjoying quiet time away from increasing expectations and pressures.